Area surrounding Villa Guapa

Beaches around Murcia

Curious about the beaches in the vicinity of Villa Guapa? More information about the best beaches can be found below.

Costa Calida

The Costa Cálida has a special phenomenon: you can choose to swim in the Mediterranean or in the crystal-clear waters of the Mar Menor.

Mar Menor

Mar Menor is the largest lagoon in Europe, and is separated from the Mediterranean Sea by a strip of land.

San Pedro del Pinatar

San Pedro del Pinatar enjoys 320 days of sunshine per year and an annual average temperature of 21 degrees.

Cities in the province of Murcia

Just a short distance from Villa Guapa are some beautiful cities / towns that are definitely worth a visit. Below you will find more information about the best places.


Murcia (7th largest city in Spain) is located in the southeast corner of the Iberian Peninsula, between the regions of Andalusia, Castilla-La Mancha and Valencia.

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Cartagena, a beautiful old port city with 2500 years of history, is situated in a natural bay and is definitely worth a visit.

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Alicante, the capital of the province, is a city bustling with life, ideally located on the Mediterranean coastline and in the shadow of Mount Benacantil.

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Santiago de la Ribera

Santiago de la Ribera is a beautiful place on the coast of Mar Menor.  Its origins were as a fishing village, but it has now become a popular destination.

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Extra information about the Costa Cálida areat

Below you can read more about what makes Costa Cálida so special.

Climate of Costa Cálida


Wintering in Murcia